Thursday, March 10, 2011

Manufacturing in the Big Apple

New York City provides a plethora of different types of industries that deal with manufacturing. The website states the following:

"There are over 6,000 manufacturing companies in New York City, employing approximately 81,000 New Yorkers. A healthy industrial sector adds stability to the local economy by providing stable jobs and bringing much-needed export dollars into the City."

This also adds to the many non-English speaking citizens to pursue career opportunities and have a formidable living stature. NYC is also a major supporter of manufacturing "green" products as population density has increased the amount of pollution and greener products are helping to tone it down.

NYC manufactures everything construction and furniture, clothing and fabrics, jewelry, paper supplies and printing, food (mainly apples with as many as 32 million bushels annually), metals and ore, and electrical. For such a big city in a small area, there's no wonder as to why it would need to manufacture a lot to be financially stable as well as environmentally stable.

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