Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hazards of the Southern Coastlands

In a subtropical environment, humidity, mild winters and hot summers grace the land to provide a rather moderate climate for standard living conditions. However, there lies certain threats to agriculture and commonwealth with winter freezes and summer hurricanes. This is usually the part of the season where most growers should not grow vegetables or be out and about because of the sudden, fierce conditions. The low pressure system build-up from its location near the Gulf of Mexico has caused some of the world's worst natural disasters in the area.

According to the Koppen climate classification system, New York City is the northernmost city that has a subtropical environment, with more warmer summers than mild winters. The hazards of the Southern Coastlands do not directly reflect with New York City's, but the area is within the hurricane range, with incidences of hurricanes occurring somewhere between 75-89 mph over the last 100 years. The occurrences of blizzards during winter also negative effects on New York's region, resulting in a halt of growing crops.

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