Tuesday, May 3, 2011

North Pacific Coast's Attributes Matter

New York City is at 40 degrees North, the same latitude as Eureka, California, perhaps the southernmost city located within the North Pacific Coast region. Even though they are of the same latitude, Eureka and the rest of this coastal region are mountainous, rugged terrain with high precipitation and wet, wet winters.

Thomas Griffith said in his article of "The Pacific Northwest" that this place is where many people want to live and whom seem relatively satisfied, but it is not the home of a booming economy. This is a region whose companying states such as Washington has an unemployment rate as high as 9.3%, in comparison to New York City's 8.0%. The weather is not nearly as attractive, with high pressure winds from over the mountains from the Pacific to bring long periods of precipitation. It's an overall "outdoorsy" kind of place, unlike New York City's towering skyscrapers and manufactured upbringing. Topography greatly affects the climates, and it shows that it might be a fine place to live once you are satisfied with your living arrangements, but as a place of economic startup and frequent social commerce, New York City is a much more viable option.

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